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Thursday, January 8, 2015


Fresh produce is the best! Fruits + veggies are packed full of essential nutrients + vitamins. More often than I would like to admit, I end up tossing about 20% of our fruits and veggies because we don't eat them before they start to go bad. I am making a conscious effort to utilize my produce on the verge of being dumpsterworthy + it is leading to some awesome stews, breads, + now these DELICIOUS cinnamon apple crisps!

Cinnamon is awesome stuff. It is a natural way to regulate blood sugar and lower the negative effects of high fat meals. Apples are rich in vitamin C + B complex vitamins and are also a great source of fiber. Not that you need anything else to convince you to make this delicious snack, but it has been said that an apple a day will ward off breast cancer.  Just sayin'.

The recipe is simple:
  • Preheat your oven to 250 degrees
  • Thinly slice your apples (I had 3 Honey Crisps)
  • Lightly cover your baking sheets with coconut oil 
  • Spread the apples in a single layer on the baking sheets
  • Dust with cinnamon powder
  • Bake at 240 degrees for 1 hour
  • Flip apple slices and put back in the oven for another hour
These treats do take some time to bake, but your house will smell amazing and the apple crisps will be gone almost immediately. Give it a try!

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