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Sunday, December 28, 2014


Instead of stressing over the lofty goals you feel you should be setting for 2015, try these easy 5 tips to reboot BEFORE the New Year. Ditch the pressure + focus on your well being in these easy and effective ways.


Traveling + indulging in a few holiday cocktails can leave us dehydrated + sluggish. You should be consuming half your body weight in ounces of water each day. For some of us that is more than the recommended 8 glasses. If you weigh 150 lbs, you should be consuming at least 75 oz. of water each day. Experiment with ways you can enjoy doing this. Flavor your water with fresh lemon,  mint + cucumber (my favorite) or infuse it with fruit. Nic's Nutrition has a great recipe!

Find ways to track how much you are drinking that work for you. I like to use a 72 oz. jug for plain water or VOSS 800 ml sparkling water when I want to infuse it. The glass bottles easily go in the dishwasher + can be reused.


When things get out of control, we have a tendency to experience stress + less productivity. The thought of organizing can feel daunting for some. Try this simple method: pick one area that has been neglected + give yourself a window of time to organize it. Thirty minutes dedicated to clearing off the dining room table hardly seems like a big commitment in your day. The benefits of entering the new year in a clean + organized space are tremendous. When you know where things are you’ve got significantly more time and energy for your big goals in life.

HGTV (swoon) has some awesome tips for organizing every room in your home.  My advice? Pick one space a week and set aside a reasonable amount of time to tackle it.


Simply make an effort to move more than you have been. Don't give-in to the notion that your holiday indulgence means you need to start training for a marathon or spending hours at the gym every day. Just commit to increasing your current physical activity in small, less intimidating ways. Go for daily walks after dinner, take the stairs instead of the elevator, or park in the farthest parking spot at the grocery store. Start small + work to increase your activity levels each day. Physical activity stimulates various brain chemicals that may leave you feeling happier + more relaxed.

Health.com has a great article called 9 Easy Ways to Sneak In Exercise. I love this concept because it encourages incorporating movement into your lifestyle and doesn't promote unrealistic health goals that make us feel like crap if we fail. 


The only diet I recommend after the holidays is for your credit cards. Put yourself on a financial diet + try not to spend money on non-essential items until you catch up from excess spending. Using coupons + cutting extra expenses can really make a big a difference in your monthly budget. Check out Couponing 101: A Beginner's Guide to Couponing for some awesome tips for saving money with coupons.

Cut back on your daily expenses by making coffee at home, bringing your lunch to work, or switching to reusable water bottles.  Go on an afternoon hike instead of going our to dinner for quality time with your loved ones. Review your monthly reoccurring expenditures to make sure you have the plans that are most cost effective for your needs. Do you have subscriptions you rarely use? Cut them out of your budget and save the money you would have spent. When we realized we were rarely watching our Netflix and Hulu Plus subscriptions, we cancelled them and now have an extra $20 per month (or $240 a year). Keeping an eye on small extra expenses can add up!


Looking back and saying, “I should have…” or “I wish I had the guts to…” can haunt you forever. Bravely stepping outside of your comfort zone to achieve a new goal can be an excellent way to feel rebooted! Don't fall into the trap of setting unattainable resolutions for the new year. Instead, think of reasonable + attainable goals that speak to your interests.  Take a cooking class, try that Pinterest craft, or go dancing with your partner. Do something that you can be proud of and you will feel a renewed sense of confidence. DON'T BE AFRAID OF FAILURE. New activities can be scary, but give yourself the grace to try something new and not be perfect at it.


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