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Tuesday, February 3, 2015


Let's talk about love. Let's talk about loving BIG. The kind of love that makes you giddy inside + feel totally consumed. A love makes you feel safe + content. A love you cannot live without.

Do you love yourself this big?

There was a time in my life where I felt totally alone. Until then, I had filled my life with noise + people. I was never alone. Ever. It scared the shit out of me. So when I had no choice but to be alone, I had to cope. I had to hang out with myself. And you know what? Through years of self discovery, I learned to love myself BIG! I also discovered tools + techniques to continue loving myself BIG even when it doesn't come naturally. I'll be sharing these over the course of my #livewell series.

I speak to so many women who are afraid to be alone, to have a sparse social calendar, to not be "wanted". Countless strong, intelligent + beautiful women repeat the same story to me. They chip away at their self worth because they are not meeting outrageous expectations of themselves.

Even if you have a partner + you are desperately in love,  it does not guarantee that your life will be any better or that you will be happier. If you are not at home with yourself, if you don’t like yourself, or you haven’t made peace with things you’ve done in the past, you will be dealing with that baggage forever.  No relationship can fulfill that void.

It’s time to explode the impossible ideals we strive for, + to stop measuring our desirableness by external standards. It’s time to seek the life we’ve always dreamed about. Happiness begins on the inside, + we alone are responsible to walk our own journeys.

This February let's ditch the stale chocolates adorned in heart-shaped boxes + focus on loving ourselves BIG. Here are 5 ways we can start:
  1. LET'S STOP TRYING TO BE PERFECT. Not only is it BORING, it is unattainable. Striving for perfection is essentially committing to beat ourselves up every time when we fail. 
  2. LET'S STOP COMPARING OURSELVES. There is always going to be someone skinnier, prettier, more successful, + less awkward than we are. Let's build a bridge + get over it. 
  3. LET'S BE AUTHENTIC. Let's stop loving the person we wish we were but the person we actually are instead.
  4. LET'S FORGIVE OURSELVES. Every day is a new beginning + holds a lesson to be learned. Did you not read #1?
  5. LET'S NURTURE OURSELVES. Let's set aside time for us. JUST us. Let's go on solo dates! Let's experience peace, love + joy in blissful solitude. 


Click the links below to download the free loveBIG wallpaper:

iPhone 6       iPhone 6 Plus       Android

iPhone tips: Save the picture to your camera roll + click the icon on the bottom left of the photo. Tap "Use as Wallpaper".  Make sure the zoom is off and pinch the image to fit onto your screen. Tap "Set" and set to either your lock screen, home screen, or both. Enjoy!

"If you don't love yourself, how in the hell you gonna love somebody else?" -RuPaul

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