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Friday, December 19, 2014


Despite the perfect imagery of presents, decorations, + happy families that dominate our December advertisements, the holiday season can be a time of immense pressure + stress. The wisdom that comes with being the ripe old age of thirty now tells me to reject the mindless consumerism that is sensationalized + KEEP IT SIMPLE! Put your time + energy into gifts that will deepen your relationships this holiday season. Here are 5 free and meaningful ways give to your loved ones:


Take the time to craft a handmade letter and thoughtfully express your appreciation for them. Choose a word that describes them + tell them why. Not a word smith? Jot down some song lyrics that speak to your feelings.

Compliment them often! Think about things that they do that people may not often acknowledge. Let them know if they have helped you think about something differently.  Tell them what qualities you admire about them.

Ask how they are truly doing. Take time out of your day to talk just about what is happening with them. Spend as much time talking about them as they wish.


Are you handy around the house? Do you make a mean signature dish? Lend your skills to help them out.

You possess a skill set that is unique and can benefit others who hold different talents. Whether you are offering a manicure or an oil change, your skills can be a true gift to others.


How often is "I am so busy" the first response we give when asked to sacrifice our time for someone else? Fight the urge + make your loved ones a priority in your schedule. Offer to babysit so they can go on a date,  walk their dog on a Saturday, or house sit while they are out of town.

Pencil Ink time into your schedule to spend with family and friends. Spend time together intentionally relating, + not just being potatoes in front of a TV. Go for walks, have device-free dinners, and get the most out of your relationships.


When is the last time you asked "What can I do to help you today"? Offering to help them may be the most impactful gift you can give.

Clean out their fridge, paint that room they can't get to, shovel snow, help them move. In 2 years they won't remember that gift card you sent, but they will remember the sweat your put in for them. Roll up your sleeves + get to work!


To me, the word "affection" immediately brings to mind two horny teenagers all over each other in the back of a movie theater. The truth is: affection can take many different forms, often less vomit-inducing. In fact, the 4 tips above are all forms of affection.

Give hugs often. Squeeze their hand and tell them how much you care about them + what they mean to you. Send them brief, thoughtful texts that show how much you care. Let them know they are on your mind + that you love them.

Taking the time to focus on your relationships + give these free gifts on a consistent basis will mean more than any gift shoved down your throat by the holiday commercial gods. Let's remember to invest in something worthwhile this holiday season: friends + family. 

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